We have various systems in place to ensure that members are earning credit for hours they are actually within a study circle. If your study session automatically ended, these are some of the reasons why that may have happened:
You left the study circle
In order to get credit for a study session, you must be within a study circle for the entire duration of the session.
Background app refresh or location services were disabled
If we're unable to locate you, you'll be unable to start a new session and existing sessions will be ended.
Your device was in low power mode
Low power mode reduces the capacity in which applications and websites are able to operate on your phone. Disable low power mode to ensure the most accurate tracking results.
Your device hasn't checked in for more than an hour
We use a check in system with your device where your device constantly reports to the server if you're in a study circle or not. If your device hasn't reported to the server for more than an hour, we will automatically end the study session giving you credit from the last check-in.
Your device dropped the network connection
If your device was unable to connect to the server from a brief network drop, this may cause the study session to end.
The Greek Chapter app was closed in the background
If the app is closed by you or your phone (due to memory issues), ongoing study sessions will be stopped. Be sure to leave the app open (in the background) during study sessions.